Monday, June 23, 2008

Cheaper Show Weekend

Still a little tired today from attending the Cheaper Show in Vancouver over the weekend.
Great to see old friends and meet lots of cool new people. The place was packed and lineups wrapped around the interior of the space with people lined up to purchase artwork.
A huge thanks to Meghan Paterson and the rest of the Cheaper Show staff for putting on such a fun and successful event, and to those of you who managed to get there early enough and get through that massive line and actually get a piece of amazing artwork!!

I really liked these (above) paste-ups for the show. Nice work whoever made these!

The List

Through the front window.

My pieces hung....and some dude in a sweet assed tie dye.

Woodpile Representin'

Nice work by Dave Barnes & Andrew Tong

A nice paste-up just outside the gallery by Vancouvers The Dark.

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