Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Abracadabra Show

Abracadabra is both a local art publication and group art show inspired by the theme of Magic and Metaphysics. It is a celebration of the otherworldly, an embracing of the unexplainable.In succession to the BeCause, the Glue Factory, the Natural Low, the Feast, and the Make, Abracadabra is yet another incantation of Victoria’s young, underground arts community.I was stoked to be included in this years mix of artists. The poster that I did for the show. (above)
My spread in the Abracadabra book (above) - ( Available through http://www.anteism.com/ )My pieces from the show ( "Wolfz" above / "Deuce" below )
The new Woodpile Collective painting "Neverglades" was unveiled (below)
My Apology (below)More random pics from the show setup( below)...I never get opening pics...I always opt out of bringing my camera to the opening nights in hopes of having a beer in each hand.
Charlotte Cynthia Walton works on her installation Brother Black Paw swimming in the Wooded Tile Epic Saga
Harley Smart's Install (above) / Harley vs. Rock Crab (below)
Nick & Gabriella's Psychedelic mural/install
Ty Danylchuck makes sweet audio catastrophy with the help of fellow art jammers. (below)

A big thanks to Brooklyn Silver Moon and Brother Black Paw for putting on this amazing art show. If you missed The Abracadabra Show, or just want to see it again, it will be traveling over to Little Mountain Studios (195 East 26th Avenue at Main Street. Vancouver, B.C.) Sept. 19-Oct. 19th.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shawn! Do you still have the wolf? And where was "sorry nature"? I totally didn't see that. Dang!


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